Our team of health care providers in Bel Air & Overlea seek out the most effective treatment options for you. Patients under the care of our nurse practitioners benefit from thorough medical examinations, conservative pain relief options, such as trigger point and large joint injections, nutritional consultations, medical weight loss programs, and more!
Medical treatment at MSI is conservative and works in conjunction with chiropractic care, physical therapy and other non-invasive, effective treatments all conveniently offered on-site.
Trigger Point Injections
- A trigger point injection delivers medication to the muscle to reduce inflammation. The injection relaxes the muscle, which improves blood flow and promotes healing.
Joint Injections
- A joint injection typically contains a local anesthetic and corticosteroid. The analgesic provides early pain relief, while the steroid suppresses inflammation and decreases swelling for longer pain relief.
Call one of our convenient locations today to schedule an appointment!