Physical Therapy

Physical Therapy addresses many conditions such as lower back pain, neck pain, rotator cuff injuries, headaches, carpal tunnel syndrome, whiplash, sprains, strains, arthritis, and more. Physical therapy helps heal and strengthen the muscles, which can help leading to better healing of the body. By having a thorough evaluation of the patient’s range of motion, strength, posture, functional ability, and coordination, a specific treatment plan can be formed to address these areas of deficit.
Physical Therapy utilizes modalities such as cold laser, cryotherapy (ice), moist heat, electrical muscle stimulation, and topical analgesics. Soft tissue mobilization, posture training, ergonomics training, and biomechanics training may also be utilized, but the core of physical therapy is based around exercise.
The goal of Physical Therapy is to work together with chiropractic care to help the individual restore, maintain, and promote overall fitness and health, and regain full function in the community or workplace. Our Bel Air and Overlea chiropractors are ready to help you start living your best life pain free.